When your school has to close at short notice, or an activity or sporting fixture is cancelled do you have a quick and easy way of letting your parents know? If you are using SMS/Text messaging you might be incurring huge costs unnecessarily. With SchoolsBuddy, our...
Alongside all our other modules which manage so many aspects of school life, we have what we consider to be the best parents evening system available. While many schools have opted for a standalone parents evening system, which of course works perfectly fine, we...
Reducing Paper Use in Schools SchoolsBuddy is a fully mobile and web enabled software solution for schools of all types and size to help bring multiple functions into one simple platform. From parent communications including paperless consent for trips and...
Advanced Parents Evening Bookings Management EASILY SET UP AND PLAN PARENTS EVENINGS, GIVING PARENTS THE ABILITY TO BOOK TIME SLOTS WITH SIMPLICITY AND EASE. Create a group of 50 subjects in under 3 minutes! Our clever parent teacher conference software only reveals...
At SchoolsBuddy we are continually developing and improving our vast and comprehensive solution which we think is the best school software* available. Perfect to combine ALL non-MIS tasks, not just some, SchoolsBuddy can streamline your communications, bookings,...
In addition to push notifications and emails, SchoolsBuddy now boasts Global SMS among its messaging features In case of emergencies, an SMS message really is the best way to communicate quickly and effectively; extreme weather is a good example of when this might be...